Writing impl
block for Rust types in C++
Inherent impl
You can write inherent impl
blocks for types defined in your crate (this is not a Zngur restriction, it's the orphan rule) in C++. First, you need to
declare the functions of that block in the main.zng
extern "C++" {
impl crate::TagList {
fn get_value_by_key(&self, &str) -> ::std::option::Option<&str>;
Then, some class like this will be generated in the generated.h
namespace rust {
template <> class Impl<::rust::crate::TagList> {
static ::rust::std::option::Option<::rust::Ref<::rust::Str>>
get_value_by_key(::rust::Ref<::rust::crate::TagList> self,
::rust::Ref<::rust::Str> i0);
And you need to implement that in a .cpp
file, and link it to the crate:
rust::Impl<TagList>::get_value_by_key(rust::Ref<TagList> self,
rust::Ref<rust::Str> key) {
// Your code here
Implementing Rust traits for Rust types
You can write impl Trait for Type
blocks for types defined in your crate or traits defined in your
crate (this is not a Zngur restriction, it's the orphan rule) in C++. First, you need to
declare the functions of that block in the main.zng
extern "C++" {
impl ::std::ops::Index<usize, Output = crate::Node> for crate::WayNodeList {
fn index(&self, usize) -> &crate::Node;
Then, some class like this will be generated in the generated.h
namespace rust {
template <>
class Impl<::rust::crate::WayNodeList,
::rust::std::ops::Index<::size_t, ::rust::crate::Node>> {
static ::rust::Ref<::rust::crate::Node>
index(::rust::Ref<::rust::crate::WayNodeList> self, ::size_t i0);
And you need to implement that in a .cpp
file, and link it to the crate:
rust::Impl<WayNodeList, rust::std::ops::Index<size_t, Node>>::index(
rust::Ref<WayNodeList> self, size_t i) {
// Your code here