Opaque C++ types

Opaque borrowed C++ type

The generated Rust code contains a ZngurCppOpaqueBorrowedObject which you can use to create opaque Rust equivalent for C++ types. To do that, you first need to create a newtype wrapper around it in Rust:

struct Way(generated::ZngurCppOpaqueBorrowedObject);

Then you need to add this type to your main.zng as a #cpp_ref:

type crate::Way {
    #cpp_ref "::osmium::Way";

Note that #cpp_ref types don't need manual layout policy. This enables creating rust::Ref<rust::crate::Way> from a const osmium::Way& in C++ and you can pass it to the Rust side. Rust side can't do anything meaningful with it, except passing it again to the C++ side. In the C++ side rust::Ref<rust::crate::Way> has a .cpp() method which will return the osmium::Way& back to you. If you want to use the methods on your C++ type in the Rust side, you can write impl and impl trait blocks for the newtype wrapper crate::Way inside C++. See the examples/osmium for a full working example.

Opaque owned C++ type

Owning C++ type in the Rust stack is impossible without a huge amount of acrobatics, since Rust assumes that every type is memcpy-movable, which doesn't work for C++ types with non trivial move constructors. It is not entirely impossible, for example the moveit crate achieves it by hiding the binding of the stack owner in a macro:

moveit! {
    let mut stack_obj = ffi::A::new();
// here, type of `stack_obj` is `Pin<MoveRef<ffi::A>>`, not `ffi::A` itself.
assert_eq!(stack_obj.get(), 42);

Keeping the Rust side clean and idiomatic is one of the design goals of Zngur, and such a macro is not clean and idiomatic Rust. So storing C++ objects in the Rust stack is not supported. If you really need to store things in the Rust stack, consider moving the type definition into Rust.

Keeping C++ object in Rust using heap allocation is supported with ZngurCppOpaqueOwnedObject.

Creating trait objects from C++ types

By the above infrastructure you can convert your C++ types into &dyn Trait or Box<dyn Trait>. To do that, you need to:

  • Create a opaque borrowed (or owned for Box<dyn Trait>) type for the C++ type.
  • Implement the Trait for that type inside C++.
  • Cast &Opaque to &dyn Trait when needed.

There is a shortcut provided by Zngur. You can define the trait in your main.zng:

trait iter::Iterator::<Item = i32> {
    fn next(&mut self) -> ::std::option::Option<i32>;

and inherit in your C++ type from it:

template <typename T>
class VectorIterator : public rust::std::iter::Iterator<T> {
  std::vector<T> vec;
  size_t pos;

  VectorIterator(std::vector<T> &&v) : vec(v), pos(0) {}

  Option<T> next() override {
    if (pos >= vec.size()) {
      return Option<T>::None();
    T value = vec[pos++];
    return Option<T>::Some(value);

Then you can construct a rust::Box<rust::Dyn> or rust::Ref<rust::Dyn> from it.

auto vec_as_iter = rust::Box<rust::Dyn<rust::std::iter::Iterator<int32_t>>>::make_box<

Semantics of the opaque types

The ZngurCppOpaqueBorrowedObject and newtype wrappers around it don't represent a C++ object, but they represent an imaginary ZST Rust object at the first byte of a C++ object. This can sometimes cause behavior that is safe and sound, but surprising and counterintuitive for someone that expects them to represent the whole C++ object. Some examples (assume RustType is a newtype wrapper around ZngurCppOpaqueBorrowedObject that refers to a CppType class in the C++):

  • std::mem::sizeof::<RustType>() is 0, not the size of CppType
  • std::mem::alignof::<RustType>() is 1, not the align of CppType
  • std::mem::swap::<RustType>(a, b) only swaps the first zero bytes of those, i.e. does nothing.

Those problem might be solved by the extern type language feature. Using that, we can define the ZngurCppOpaqueBorrowedObject as a proper extern type instead of an imaginary zero sized type at the first of C++ objects.